私の母親が亡くなってから約3ヶ月です。 悲しいことに、転倒により生じた大腿骨と肘部骨折が、早すぎる死をもたらしました。
ファミリークリニック蒲田の医師、看護スタッフの皆様に心よりお礼を申し上げます。母親の健康を安定させ、可能な限り彼女が快適に過ごすために尽くしてくれました。 あなたがたが提供したケアは、信頼でき優れており、私たちはとても幸せで満足していました。
Dear Iyano sensei,
It is almost 3 months since my mother passed away. Sadly, her accidental fall resulting in femur and elbow fractures led to an untimely death.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all the doctors and nursing staff of Family Clinic Kamata, especially yourself (Iyano sensei) for your tremendous effort to keep my mother’s health stable and as comfortable as possible while she was under your case. The care you provided was reliable and efficient and we were very happy and satisfied.
Once again, thank you so much for your kindness and care.
Yours sincerely,